Access to BIRD Theatre

BIRD Theatre Company TOTTORI

Address: 1812-1 Shikano, Shikano-cho, Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture, Japan

Postal Code: 689-0405

Travel by Car

Information Signs Will Be Displayed near the Venue on the Day of the Programme.

  • From Hamamura-Shikano Onsen Interchange/ Mizuho-Hogi Interchange of San-in Expressway: About 10 minutes
  • From Tottori Airport: About 30 minutes
  • From the centre of Tottori City: About 30 minutes
  • From the centre of Kurayoshi City: About 40 minutes
  • From the centre of Yonago City: About an hour and 20 minutes


You can park your car at the BIRD Theatre’s schoolyard.

Travel by Train (JR)

The Nearest Station Is ‘Hamamura’.

*On the day of the programme, a free shuttle bus (Tori Bus) service connects JR Tottori Station, Tottoridaigakumae Station and Hamamura Station with the performance venue. Please make a reservation in advance so we can track the number of people using the bus.

How to Get to Hamamura Station

  • From Tottori Station, 30 minutes by San-in Main Line bound for Yonago
  • From Kurayoshi Station, 25 minutes by San-in Main Line bound for Tottori
  • From Yonago Station, an hour and 40 minutes by San-in Main Line bound for Tottori

From Hamamura Station

  • 15 minutes by car

Free Shuttle Bus (Tori Bus) Service

A Free Shuttle Bus (Tori Bus) Service Is Available.

On the day of the programme, a free shuttle bus service connects JR Tottori Station, Tottoridaigakumae Station and Hamamura Station with the performance venue (BIRD Theatre).

This service is available to everyone. Please make a reservation in advance.

*Priority for boarding is given to those with reservations.