What do you see beyond “self”?
The concept of “self” is based on the assumption of an “able-bodied” person who can fight.The JIYU Gekijo-Freedom Theatre version of Romeo and Juliet challenges us to re-examine it.
Of mutual distrust and co-dependence between the opportunistic masses and the dictator, Brecht’s version of Antigone depicts the cataclysmic collapse of consequences of selfishness.
“Self” is always regarded as the starting point of everything, which is the most fundamental principle in a modern society where freedom is valued. However, the pursuit of “self-interest” has caused significant problems: enormous inequalities in the economy and intolerance that excludes those who are different in social life. “Self” should be most respected. Restrictions on “private rights” must be approached with the highest degree of caution. It is also concerning that our neighbouring countries, which limit “self”, seem to have quickly overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and to be enjoying prosperity. Is there a possible way to make every “self” happy without oppressing each “self”? We understand that it is not easy, but two experts will share their thoughts on the subject and give us some clues. There will also be an exchange of views.

Things Born Out of
“Romeo and Juliet”
JIYU Gekijo-Freedom Theatre
[from Tottori, Japan]
【date & Time】
Saturday, 11 September, 13:30
Sunday, 12 September, 13:30
BIRD Theatre [Theatre]
English Subtitles available

Antigone by B.Brecht
BIRD Theatre Company TOTTORI
[From Torrori, Japan]
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 11 September, 18:30
Sunday, 12 September, 18:30
Open Air Theatre
English Subtitles available

Let's Move Your Body Freely with the People of JIYU Gekijo-Freedom Theatre!
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 11 September, 16:00>
BIRD Theatre [Theatre]

Lecture: OSAWA Masachi
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 11 September, 11:00-12:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Lecture: HARIMA Yasuo
【Date & Time】
Sunday, 12 September, 11:00-12:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Talk: OSAWA Masachi × HARIMA Yasuo
【Date & Time】
Sunday, 12 September,16:00-17:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Other Programmes
Family Photo Sessions by MIZUMOTO Shunya
Saturday, 11 September
Sunday, 12 September
Saturday, 18 September
Sunday, 19 September
Timetable for each day : 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00
【Meeting Place】
Cafe “Shikano Gokoro“
Shikano Town
4,000 yen

Other Programmes
Let’s Experience SHIKANO KOUCHI FRUITS VILLAGE in the Satoyama Landscape!
Saturday, 11 September
Sunday, 12 September
Saturday, 18 September
Sunday, 19 September
Saturday, 25 September
Sunday, 26 September
What do you see beyond the “past”?
Lost and Found is a story of two strangers who are brought together and depicts a rich emotional connection along with a variety of physical play.
Between “war” and “home”, Picnic on the Battlefield combines a multitude of opposite human senses, where kindness, cruelty, helplessness, hatred, and others intersect.
It is often the case that the best way to think about the future is to look at the past. Working together with experts, this week’s theme is to read drawings and plays from the “past” that are difficult to interpret. Architect Tsukamoto will introduce “houses” from the past. Nakashima, the programme director of the BIRD Theatre Festival, will introduce plays from the past. A “house” is not only a representation of a client’s wishes. It is also a reflection of a designer’s wishes for the everyday activities of human beings and how they live their lives. Plays also contain the author’s vision of humanity, which often appears as a disturbance of the existing order. In any case, they reflect the author’s wishes and criticism of the existing society. Through the “past” we decipher the future that is wished for.

Lost and found
RuiRui [from Tokyo, Japan]
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 18 September, 13:30
Sunday, 19 September, 13:30
BIRD Theatre [Theatre]

Picnic on the Battlefield
Produced by “BIRD” Theatre Festival TOTTORI 14
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 18 September, 13:30 / 18:30
Sunday, 19 September, 13:30 / 18:30
BIRD Theatre [Theatre]
English Subtitles available

Workshop: Let’s Read Theatre of the Absorb, Picnic on the Battlefield.
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 18 September, 11:00-12:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Workshop 1: Let’s Read Drawings of Houses.
Atelier Bow-Wow TSUKAMOTO Yoshiharu(architect)
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 18 September, 16:00-17:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Workshop 2: Let’s Read Drawings of Houses.
Atelier Bow-Wow TSUKAMOTO Yoshiharu(architect)
【Date & Time】
Sunday, 19 September, 11:00-12:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Talk: TSUKAMOTO Yoshiharu × NAKASHIMA Makoto
【Date & Time】
Sunday, 19 September, 16:00-17:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Other Programmes
Family Photo Workshop with MIZUMOTO Shunya
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 18 September, 10:00-12:00
Sunday, 19 September, 10:00-12:00
【Meeting Place】
Cafe “Shikano Gokoro“
Shikano Town
1,000 yen

Other Programmes
Family Photo Sessions by MIZUMOTO Shunya
Saturday, 11 September
Sunday, 12 September
Saturday, 18 September
Sunday, 19 September
Timetable for each day : 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00
【Meeting Place】
Cafe “Shikano Gokoro“
Shikano Town
4,000 yen

Other Programmes
Let’s Experience SHIKANO KOUCHI FRUITS VILLAGE in the Satoyama Landscape!
Saturday, 11 September
Sunday, 12 September
Saturday, 18 September
Sunday, 19 September
Saturday, 25 September
Sunday, 26 September
What do you see beyond “arts and crafts”?
Republic of the Bees is a story about the daily lives of tiny little honeybees, which reveals the wonders of life and the magnificence of the natural world.
In the story of The Three Robbers, a trio of incredibly strong and unbeatable scoundrels meets a girl, and eventually, they end up carving out a great history.
Bergson, the French philosopher who was active mainly in the first half of the 20th century, defined human nature as “homo faber” (Man the Maker). However, he said, “We make things which in turn make us.” Today there is increasing interest in “artistic thinking”. It is all about added value in a globally competitive world: about art as a means of creating wealth.There is a certain amount of this perspective in the arts and crafts or fine art at school. On the other hand, we all know it as an actual feeling that making things is not merely a means to an end but pure joy. Yet, there is a reality that this joy is locked away in a corner under the name of “hobby” and disconnected from life. We would like to spend some time with our two guests to think about the joy of life, the challenges we’re facing today, and more from the perspective of “arts and crafts”.

Republic of the Bees
Shizuoka Performing Arts Center : SPAC
[from Shizuoka, Japan]
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 25 September, 13:30
Sunday, 26 September, 13:30
BIRD Theatre [Theatre]
English Subtitles available

The Three Robbers
BIRD Theatre Company TOTTORI
[From Torrori, Japan]
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 25 September, 13:30 / 18:30
Sunday, 26 September, 13:30 / 18:30
Open Air Theatre
English Subtitles available

Craft Workshop: tupera tupera
tupera tupera KAMEYAMA Tatsuya(picture book author)
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 25 September, 10:30-12:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Lecture: KARIYADO Toshibumi
【Date & Time】
Saturday, 25 September, 16:00-17:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Lecture: KAMEYAMA Tatsuya
【Date & Time】
Sunday, 26 September, 11:00-12:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Talk: KAMEYAMA Tatsuya × KARIYADO Toshibumi
【Date & Time】
Sunday, 26 September, 16:00-17:30
BIRD Theatre [Foyer]
Adults: 1,000 yen
Under 18: 500 yen

Other Programmes
Let’s Experience SHIKANO KOUCHI FRUITS VILLAGE in the Satoyama Landscape!
Saturday, 11 September
Sunday, 12 September
Saturday, 18 September
Sunday, 19 September
Saturday, 25 September
Sunday, 26 September