Losing it from the heart is to forget. Atomic bomb survivors who can't forget / The world that wants to forget. The friction between the two.

Produced by BIRD Theatre
Saturday, 14 September, 13:30-
Sunday, 15 September, 13:30-
*There will be a talkback after the performance on Saturday, 14 September.
Running Time
75 minutes
Shikano Historic Road Exchange Center “Child Village Dream”
Adults: 2,800 yen*
under 18: 500 yen
Preschool-aged children: Free
*Including one drink voucher for use at the Café
Mobile subtitles
Mobile devices for Japanese or English subtitles available
About the programme開く

BIRD Theatre Company has staged many works by BETSUYAKU Minoru, creating a space to reflect on thoughts and subconscious feelings that Japanese people do not verbalise or are left unexpressed by words. This time, Okinawa-based director FUKUNAGA Takeshi has been chosen to take on the challenge of BETSUYAKU's early work, The Elephant. FUKUNAGA is a director who values reflecting on war as the core of his theatrical activities. The play evokes the thoughts of the oppressed throughout history—the Battle of Okinawa, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the defeat in war and economic development—and also ponders the absurd concealment and oppression within contemporary society.


A sick man who was once applauded for exposing the keloids on his back caused by the atomic bomb. Conversely, the man's nephew is an atomic bomb survivor as well, but he has been living his life in the shadows, as someone who does not exist in this world. A quiet madness breaks out in the hospital, where the atomic bomb survivors, excluded from society, live inconspicuously.


Text: BETSUYAKU Minoru

Direction: FUKUNAGA Takefumi

Performance: NAKAGAKI Naohisa, MURAKAMI Kouji, YAMAMOTO Yoshiro(YAMANOTE Jijosha), MITSUHASHI Mako, TAKAHASHI Hitoshi(BIRD Theatre Company), OTA Shinnosuke(BIRD Theatre Company)

Scenic Designer: NAKASHIMA Makoto

Lighting Designer: NISHIMOTO Aya

Sound designer: HARA Nobuhiro(Ohara Kikaku)

Stage manager: NAKAI HIroo(Stage Work URAK)

Costume Designer: KIRI

Producer:SONODA Shoko

Message from the director開く

Dear Visitors to the BIRD Theatre Festival

I found certain words in my travel companion backpack.

'War' and 'Okinawa'.

These two words pose never-ending challenges to me. I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to confront war through this play, The Elephant.

To think about war is to think about peace. To look back at the past is to look at the present where we're standing, and to wish for peace is to look to the future.

I am powerless against war. However... Nevertheless... Despite my powerlessness, I shout. I fight, though I am powerless.

I just keep looking at peace earnestly.

Director's profile開く


He was born in 1973 in Osaka. He moved to Okinawa Prefecture as a child and started his acting career while studying at university. In 2011, he set up a space of about 20 tsubos (about 66㎡/ 712sq.ft) called 'Wagamachi no Sho-Gekijo (SMALL THEATER OF WAGAMACHI)' in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, and started his directing career. In 2018, he presented Yoroboshi (MISHIMA Yukio) at the TOGA Theatre Artists' Competition and won the Outstanding Director Award. In 2020, he left 'Wagamachi no Sho-Gekijo (SMALL THEATER OF WAGAMACHI)' and suspended his theatre activities. In 2023, he restarted his theatre activities again in Okinawa Prefecture.


【Host】Toga Cultural Foundation /Japan Arts Council/ Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

【Co-Host】BIRD Theatre Company TOTTORI