This is a theatrical adaptation of a well-known children's story by MIYAZAWA Kenji. It is a performance for children that adults can also enjoy.

BIRD Theatre Company TOTTORI [From Tottori, Japan]
Monday, 23 September, 11:00-(National Holiday)
Running Time
35 minutes
BIRD Theatre [Theatre]
Adults: 1,500 yen
under 18: 500 yen
Preschool-aged children: Free
Mobile subtitles
Mobile devices for Japanese or English subtitles available
About the programme開く

This is a new production for children by BIRD Theatre Company. The appeal of BIRD Theatre Company's productions is that not only children but also adults can enjoy them. This is the second MIYAZAWA Kenji play following Gauche the Cellist. Again, the play begins in an empty space, where various invisible things become visible. Please look forward to the unique and exciting performances of the actors, as well as the fantastic costumes, props and music. It's a story that everyone knows, but there will be some fresh surprises.


Two young, stylish gentlemen from the city come to the mountains to hunt with their gleaming guns, saying disrespectful things to the forest and the wild animals. The wildcats notice the arrogant pair and draw them into the fantasy of the 'Restaurant WILDCAT HOUSE'. This is a piece from MIYAZAWA Kenji's only collection of children's stories published during his lifetime, The Restaurant of Many Orders (published in 1924).


Originally Written by MIYAZAWA Kenji

Composed and Directed by NAKASHIMA Makoto

Performed by NAKAGAWA Rena, TAKAHASHI Hitoshi, KOSUGE Hiroshi, OTA Shinnosuke, MATUSHITA Honoka


【Grant】Tottori City Subsidy for Cultural and Artistic Projects