This is a 'round-the-town' theatre performance, a specialty of the BIRD Theatre Festival. The audience will walk around town to enjoy the play. We will perform with participants gathered from an open-call audition this year.

BIRD Theatre Company TOTTORI [From Tottori, Japan]
Saturday, 14 September, 16:00-
Sunday, 15 September, 16:00-
Running Time
90 minutes (estimated)
In Shikano Town
Adults: 1,500 yen
under 18: 500 yen
Preschool-aged children: Free
About the programme開く

The Shikano Time Travel Tour is a round-trip performance of BIRD Theatre Company's signature piece at the BIRD Theatre Festival. You will see performances in various locations in Shikano Town while you go on a walking tour with a guide. The play is about the life of an elderly person in Shikano Town based on interviews with the person. People live and are kept alive in a jumble of many histories, like the region's unique history, the history of Tottori, the history of Japan as a whole, and the history of the world. This year, we cover the life of a woman born in 1937 and active as a hairdresser.


The time machine connecting the BIRD Theatre Festival to the past Shikano glitches this year, mixing up the time of Lord KAMEI Korenori and the year 1946. Still, the show must go on! With a side trip to Lord KAMEI's time, we travel through the Showa era, following the life of the featured character, MIKAMI Chidori. Chidori was there at the very moment of the birth of that historical fashion style!?


Story and Script: TAKAHASHI Hitoshi

Composed and Directed by NAKASHIMA Makoto

Performed by Selected Performers from an Open Call Audition and Actors from BIRD Theatre Company

Sound Designer: HARA Nobuhiro

Lighting Designer: INAKA Masahiro


【Host】BIRD Theatre Company TOTTORI

【Grant】gency for Cultural Affairs Grant for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts (Project for Promoting the Functional Enhancement of Theatres, Music Halls, Etc.)/ Japan Arts Council/ FY2024 Tottori Prefecture Subsidy for Art Promotion and Regional Revitalisation Projects through the Creation and Dissemination of Excellent Theatre

【Support】Tottori Prefecture/ Tottori City/ Tottori Prefecture Board of Education/ Tottori City Board of Education/ The Non Profit Organization 'The Council for Area Development and Management of Insyu Shikano’ / The Tottori University Art Center Affiliated to the Faculty of Regional Sciences/ The Shin Nihonkai Shimbun Co.,Ltd./ Furusato Shikano Co.